
Morra , Tony & Theresa


Tony is a FIRE School of Ministry graduate who moved back to his home country with the burden to see the people of Italy and Europe set their hearts ablaze for the Lord. He is working with local churches to reach out to the lost and to encourage those who are saved to go deeper in their relationship with God. Tony also works as a translator for ministers who come to his area.
– Graphic Designer, Web Designer and contact person in Italy for the ministry One Hope.
Mission: To affect destiny by providing God’s eternal Word to all the children and youth of the world.
– President of Generazione Senza Confini GWB (Generation without borders).
A youth movement of 20+ churches that has as main goals: the unity of the church and salvation of a lost generation. GWB organizes an annual conference, where more than 1200 young people gather to worship and be challenged by the Word of God. Street Evangelism is also one of the main components of the ministry of GWB.
– Founder of Noi siamo la Vita.
A branch of the ministry Bound4Life USA. A movement of prayer and fasting for the ending of abortion in Italy.