
Keck, Paula


Paula has had a heart to return to Tanzania as a missionary again, ever since she left in 2002. Since then,

many wonderful things have occurred in her life like meeting her husband, Rick, and having their three

beautiful children. Together through the years, they have served as mission pastors, led mission trips,

and found a heartbeat in encouraging missionaries and supporting current missions. In 2014, she and

Rick found themselves with an open door and willingness to plant a local church, Love & Truth Church.

In 2020, after six faithful and foundational years, they raised up another to assume the pastoral role.

While today, Paula still serves on the leadership team at Love&Truth, she also continues to travel in

teaching and ministering. As a published author as well, she finds immense joy in training, teaching, and

raising up others in ministry. In Tanzania, Paula will be working once again with a former teammate-

missionary, Jill Omari. Under Jill’s leadership, she will be working in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania as well as in

the States. She’ll travel to Tanzania 1-2 times a year to help build and instruct in an equipping internship

program. While in the States, she will be traveling to colleges and Bible schools presenting their students

with the opportunity to participate in the internship program.

Email Paula.fireafrica@gmail.com