
Bryant, Kyle & Lauren


Kyle, Lauren and their 5 children have just relocated from Lynchburg, VA to the Big Island of Hawaii to attend a missions training school called Ekballo House. Ekballo Ministries is designed to create space for students to get to know the Lord, recognize His voice, learn who they are in Christ, and walk out the values of the Kingdom of God in authority. The leadership team at Ekballo has shared that over seventy percent of missionaries leave the field for preventable reasons. They train up healthy leaders to build and reproduce healthy communities. Kyle and Lauren’s goal is to establish a healthy, kingdom culture within their home and from that foundation to launch a ministry that impacts the lives of individuals and families around them.
Kyle is a graduate of Liberty University with a degree in Biblical studies and has served as a full-time youth pastor, associate pastor, and church board member over the last 12 years. Lauren is a Registered Nurse and has worked in Emergency Medicine prior to raising and homeschooling their children. They both have started and run successful businesses prior to God calling them into full-time missions and are excited to see how the Lord has been equipping and preparing them for the future calling He has for them after school! They know that God is moving all around the world, and they want to join in with the eternal work of bringing in the harvest of the nations!