
Edward, John & Roja


How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings- Isaiah 52:7

Shiloh Bible School's work is unique in that it works in the remote areas ( North India). Not only that; we train young men and women from these remote areas. So when they come to us ; they come to us totally poor and destitute . Many of them struggling for proper basic necessities. Their spiritual state is also the same.
In our two years of training in the Bible School, we do as much as possible to get them to the place of spiritual self sufficiency. God’s heart is not just to bless spiritually but to make His children flourish in every way. So we believe in building homes and helping them with basic necessities and meeting all needs for them. This does put an additional burden at times but if we are one family in Christ then these are our immediate family. So their well-being is our top most priority.
In the past few years it has been tough with the strain in finances but I believe if we truly care for people even at our own costs at times, there comes a time where God will bless us with His abundance and that day is not far away.
Thanks so much for standing with us all these years. Your valued support and prayers has helped us a lot in fulfilling the vision and burden God has given us. He that sends and those who go have their equal share in rewards from our Father in heaven who is no respecter of persons.
Currently, we are making progress in many areas. For instance in Camorta Island of Nicobar there was a hindu poojari known to many. He had a piercing longer than any in Camorta in his cheek. He was diagnosed with a growth and after prayer when the results came normal he has removed his piercing and is ready to take baptism giving his life to Christ. Four new hindu families have come to Christ in the past few months.
Not only that, a way has opened to meet our friends/ a certain group in the Baratang area of Andaman. A door that was closed for a few years due to the govt restraints.
In Srilanka; from the moment I stepped foot there; supernatural favour and guidance was in abundance. Within a few years the doors opened wide amongst many pastors which would ( i believe ) lead to start a missionary movement later.
We were on the brink of something huge but it got hindered by a lack of finances (so I thought). However God wanted us to do everything in a legal way I suppose. Although the process has taken sometime; we are on the verge of starting Shiloh Mission Trust legally in Srilanka. It will help us issue our own invitations and run training centers.
In the North East there are openings in a village called Moreh near the Burma border for missionary work! Our missionaries in Manipur Japtheth and Kambha along with Pr. Divyan and team ministered there sometime back. Moreh will give us easy access to Burma as it is close to Burma.
One of the uniqueness of the ministry in Rajasthan is our girls trained in our school are ministering there. It is unheard of in some of those parts for girls to go out and evangelize. Our girls Lalitha Kamol, Lalitha Garasiya , Pushpa and Archana minister there and that too with a lot of zeal bringing the gospel to many by foot braving the Rajasthan terrain, heat and radical elements.
Our missionary Lalitha Kamol left a meeting early on one occasion only to find out later that the entire group gathered there were beaten by radicals.
Pray for them and the immediate needs for them for minsitry ; they had requested mopeds for work the last time I met them for more efficient ministry.
As mentioned earlier ; since we take workers struggling for basic needs , we are faced with doing everything for them sometimes. Houses need to be built, vehicles need to be bought and churches need to be built in many places. Thanks for all your support and prayers. If not yet involved; pray and as the Lord leads help us in helping them have a home and proper shelter and equipping them in every way for efficient ministry.