
Fears and Failures

May 19, 2024 • Byron Beck

Discussion Questions:

Talk about it: Describe a time when you experienced a devastating failure? Can you think of any childhood experiences that left a “mark” on your life or emotions.

•Describe an incident when (with God’s help), you overcame a failure.

One of the main points that Byron makes during his message emphasizes that God can use “failures” or people with flaws. 

•What difference does a truth like that communicate to you?

•What about the notion that “failures are not final or fatal?”

Byron spent some time outlining the meaning of Matthew 10:14 — particularly, the idea of “shaking the dust off your feet.”

•How difficult is it for you to “let go” of failures?

•What do you say to the notion that your peace and happiness is tied to your ability to let go of painful or disappointing defeats? Move on!

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