Discussion Questions:
Would you agree with Byron’s statement that many Americans believe that love is best defined by a “feeling?”
•What difference would it make if love is defined by your actions?
•Do you agree with Willard Harley’s position that successful marriages are not necessarily defined by compatibility? Why or Why not?
What do you think about Harley’s concept of a “love bank?”
•Have you ever been in a relationship where the account was “overdrawn” with pain? More “withdrawals” than “deposits?”
Looking at Ephesians 5:21-33
•If you are a “wife” — how are you doing at willingly, voluntarily submitting to your husband, in the same way as you do to the Lord?
•If you are a “husband” — how are you doing at willingly, voluntarily loving your wife, as Christ loved the church?
Ask your spouse:
What are two things you wish I did more of?