
The Conversation

The Conversation - Week One

March 8, 2019

Conversations are everywhere in our lives. Some conversations aren’t of great importance and go unnoticed – things like typing emails for work, tapping out messages on our phones, or simply catching up with friends and family. Other conversations are of greater importance – discussions in a boardroom, deliberations in a courtroom, or consultations in a hospital room. Of all the conversations we have, sometimes the most vital conversations of all can go by unnoticed. At times impromptu, these conversations are of the utmost importance. Lasting anywhere from minutes to years in duration, these exchanges can have a life-long impact. What conversations could be so important? These aren’t just chats, these are dialogues involving THE conversation – the good news of Jesus. Nothing could be more important to talk about. As important as the conversation about Jesus is, those who follow Jesus can find these chats intimidating or challenging to have. We will explore not only what the conversation sounds like, but how to talk with others about the life-changing truth of Jesus.

The Conversation - Week Two

March 15, 2019

Those of us who follow Jesus know how good it is to be forgiven and then transformed by God. We know the delight of being his sons and daughters and the security that brings to every area of our lives. We also long for others to join us as we follow our king. We know that we’re following Jesus because someone had THE conversation with us. We know we should have it with others... but we are often stopped by our fears. Fear that we’ll mess it up. Fear that we’ll say the wrong thing. Fear that something we do will put others off God for good. We’re going to discover that there is simply no possible way that we can get the conversation wrong, and that there is nothing we do can do that will stop someone from becoming a follower of Jesus. Quite simply… we can’t mess it up! All the pressure will be lifted from our shoulders and put squarely on God’s. We’re going to learn just what it is that God asks of us and what he promises to do through us.

The Conversation - Week Three

March 22, 2019

What does T.G.I stand for? We often fail to realize that – as followers of Jesus – we are the recipients of a constant flow of invitations. From those that fill the pages of the Bible to those whispered to us by His Spirit, His plan is perfect and He continues to invite us into it. He is on a mission to reconcile, forgive, heal, and transform lives. Guess what? We get to be a part of that! We can respond to the conversation – which is the good news of Jesus – and then be messengers of it. Although God does not need our help to see souls transformed, He has invited us into His work. Will you respond to the conversation and be a Messenger of it? We talk with many people throughout our week. Bad news, pain, hurt, disappointment, and worry often come up in many of our conversations. People are begging for hope. What if God has a bigger plan in our interactions? Could He be inviting us to share the good news of Jesus with others? Learn how easy it is to enter into a relationship with others and invite them to know a God that can change their lives forever.

The Conversation - Week Four

March 29, 2019

We use thousands of words a day. Some of those words come with ease: a casual chat with our friends, giving someone directions to a familiar place, interactions with colleagues at work. Yet other times we may find it difficult to find the right words to describe on the outside what we are thinking and feeling on the inside. When it comes to having THE conversation with our friends and loved ones about Jesus, sometimes we may feel tongue-tied. Our internal monologue says things like, “What if they misunderstand me? Will this lead to criticism? Will I get in trouble?” Most people worry, “What if I don’t know the answer to a question they ask?” We wrap up “The Conversation” series by exploring how knowing God’s truth can decrease our fear and un-tie our tongues. By exploring God’s Word and common questions our friends ask, we will be able to share respectful words of hope and life with confidence. We don’t need to feel anxious or speechless; instead, we can actively prepare to give an answer to our friends with whom we have the conversation.