
A Simple Christmas

A Simple Christmas - Week 1

December 7, 2018

“And she gave birth to her firstborn son and she wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger.” With these few words, the Bible announced the coming of the incarnate God to earth – the eternal Creator born as the child of a young girl from a tiny town in Galilee. Could a birth have been more humble? His arrival was astounding in its Simplicity. How ironic that 2,000+ years later we have turned the celebration of Jesus’s birth into the biggest, most complicated, and most exhausting holiday of the year. For example, Americans spent in excess of 1 trillion dollars celebrating Christmas last year. Worldwide the amount is many times that. In some countries, due to the importance of retail sales, stores start decorating and playing seasonal music in July! Added to the financial strain is the physical toll of keeping up with all the parties, dinners, dances, visits, travel, guests, cooking, tree trimming, gift wrapping, and lists…so many lists! One reporter recently referred to Christmas as, “the treadmill Holiday.” Wouldn’t it be nice if we could slow our lives down in December and return to a simpler time? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could acknowledge the true message of Christmas that transcends time and place?

A Simple Christmas - Week 2

December 14, 2018

“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” Mary was a simple girl, coming from a modest background. The angel told her that she found favour from God to give birth to our saviour Jesus Christ. What was so special about Mary? Mary was willing to be an instrument of God; she joyfully carried baby Jesus regardless of the circumstances and culture. She remained obedient to the Lord. Let’s focus this Christmas on what truly matters; having a heart like Mary’s and obeying God in our lives. Christmas is a time to reflect on God’s love for us by remembering others: the sick and the poor. God is calling us to be faithfully generous of our time and resources. What is God asking you to do today? How can you obey God joyfully and do His will in your life?

A Simple Christmas - Week 3

December 21, 2018

How do you feel when you read that reminder of how quickly Christmas day is coming? Do you calmly think “I get to celebrate the birth of Jesus soon, I’ll relax and unwind before December 25!” or do you ramp up and think “Wait, what?!? Are you kidding me? The time is going by too soon – I’m not ready. I have so much to do! Work is crazy, friends are busy, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get everything done!” This season can be a crazy time. We have various ways of coping with the complexity of Christmas. Joseph, Mary’s husband-to-be, knew firsthand about how complicated life can feel. He was an upright, respected man waiting to be married…but then Mary comes to him with news that he didn’t expect: She tells him that she is pregnant. How does Joseph respond? What is he to do? Where is God when life seems complicated? Find out on Friday as we continue our talk series called “A Simple Christmas”. If you have ever had the rug yanked out from under you, you won’t want to miss Friday. If you feel a little busier than normal or your coping strategy isn’t working according to plan, join us. Even if you simply need a moment to unwind and recharge, we have a place for you.

A Simple Christmas - Week 4

December 21, 2018

Every year at Christmas we hear afresh the simple message: God offers us the greatest of gifts – Adoption into His family. If Paul, the Apostle, was writing a Christmas card to his friends and family he’d probably make sure that this verse from the letter he wrote to the Galatians was in the centre of the page... When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. (Galatians 4:4-5 ESV) His message about Christmas is pretty simple: God sent His Son to sort things out so that He could adopt us all as his sons and heirs. We can rush, spend, stress and shop all we like as we look for the perfect gifts for friends, family and colleagues. But why not put the busyness of Christmas aside for a moment and simply ask someone to join you this week at Fellowship to hear of God’s greatest gift. Adoption into His family is something that your friends, family and colleagues will never tire of, will always thank you for and will totally change their lives.