
Episode 6

Security and Stability in Life

May 15, 2020

الأمان و الاستقرار من أهم احتياجات الإنسان ، فمن أين نحصل عليهما؟؟. كيف نرتب أولوياتنا في هذا الزمن المتغير ؟
أسئلة هامة طرحها بشير وحنان على ضيفهم الجديد السيد ري عطا الله وهو مستشار مالي يقيم في كندا ...

Security and stability are among the most important human needs, so where do we get them? How do we set our priorities in this continuously changing world ?
Important questions asked by Bashir and Hanan to their new guest, Mr. Rey Atallah, a financial advisor based in Canada

Episode 1

April 12, 2020

Join Fellowship’s own Bachir & Hanan, and their special guests Pastor Jim and Alanda as they talk about the resurrection of Jesus.

Episode 2

April 17, 2020

In this episode from “Let’s talk” Bachir & Hanan extend an invitation to Jack & Solida, their extended family from Fellowship, to explore together the topic of Priorities and how to put God first. The discussion ended with a prayer that you yourself can also pray as you learn more on that topic.

Episode 3

April 24, 2020

في هذا الاسبوع تواصلنا مع صفا لنطمئن عنه وعن العائلة، تحدثنا معه عن التحديات التي تواجهنا خلال هذه الفترة ومنها التباعد الاجتماعي وشاركنا ببعض النصائح العملية لتساعدنا في هذه الفترة. This week, we got in touch with Safa to check on him and the family and talk about the challenges we are facing during this time of social distancing. He also gave us some practical tips to follow.