
Framily - Week 1

We Welcome Everyone

September 14, 2018

Where do you belong?

When you imagine your ideal living room, who do you invite to sit on your couch next to you? Stop for a second and think about the people you consider to be part of your “framily”.

Maybe it’s the people who enjoy the same quirky movies as you, or are willing to stay up all night playing epic board games, or the ones who enjoy waking up at dawn to run on the beach. Maybe the people on your couch don’t share any of your hobbies or interests, but supported you during a difficult time.

The people in our lives matter. They can encourage us, care for us, challenge us, and help us grow. We can learn so much from the people we invite into our lives.

Dubai makes it easy to have fun, doesn’t it? It seems that there is always something to fill our time with – an exciting event or performance, a new restaurant to try, or an amazing sale you just can’t miss.

However, Dubai doesn’t always make it easy to maintain a deep community. We learn all too quickly how transient and unstable our relationships can be in this city. Maybe, because of this, you can’t fit your entire framily on one couch, or even one room! Or maybe you’ve been praying for just one person to be willing to sit next to you.

This season, we invite you to take a seat on our couch.

As we’re going to see in our “Framily” series, Fellowship welcomes everyone. Really, everyone. Each week, we’re going to see that our Fellowship framily is always open because of the good news of Jesus.

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