
Unshakeable: Week Three

April 3, 2020 • Warwick de Jersey

As the days pass, life for many of us is becoming more and more uncertain. The uncertainties are more than just about our health. It’s economic. It’s our relationships as we find ourselves living in close quarters with little personal space.

Each day we have conversations with friends and colleagues, and we all try and say words that we hope will cheer each other up and spur each other along.

For many, as those words leave our mouths or enter our ears, we know in our hearts that they are mere platitudes, empty words, lacking any real power.

As we continue in our Unshakeable series, we are going to hear God speak to us words that have real power to change our lives and transform our worlds. "How can that be?” you might ask. You’ll have to watch as we explore Psalm 62 together.

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