
Episode 98 | VFL Reads: Redeeming Your Time, Part 2

Season 2, Episode 8

September 21, 2022 • Autumn Gardner, Hunter Beaumont

Despite prolific resources on the topic of time management and work-life balance, the ability to manage the many demands placed on our time and to devote ourselves to the worthy pursuits to which we’re called can often feel impossibly out of reach. Author Jordan Raynor offers seven time-management principles, supported by corresponding practices, to help readers thoughtfully respond to the constraints we face and manage our time so that we can be purposeful, present, and productive.

In this episode, Hunter and Autumn discuss principles five, six, and seven offered by Raynor:
- Accept Your “Unipresence”
- Embrace Productive Rest
- Eliminate All Hurry
These principles encourage us to cultivate our capacity to be present where we are and to integrate practices that maximize our time and presence.

Resources mentioned in this episode:
"Redeeming Your Time" by Jordan Raynor (https://www.amazon.com/dp/0593193075/)
"Getting Things Done" by David Allen (https://www.amazon.com/dp/0142000280/)
"Deep Work" by Cal Newport (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1455586692/)
"The Lazy Genius Way" by Kendra Adachi (https://www.amazon.com/dp/0525653937/)
"The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer (https://www.amazon.com/dp/0525653090/)

Episode 167 | Politics, Part 3: Trends In American Politics

April 17, 2024 • Autumn Gardner, Hunter Beaumont

Resources mentioned in this episode: https://www.amazon.com/this-america-nation-jill-lepore/dp/1631496417 by Jill Lepore https://www.amazon.com/church-matters-authoritarianism-nationalism-protestantism/dp/1960877046/ref=sr_1_1?crid=t7e7mpi5q2t7&dib=eyj2ijoimsj9.eftspouewaieowl5iwkgvkk8ysjgq4gzfvvfc-fu6m66c4jh41sloiajrkfpau7pbj23qdlvylbmdvkaxbaviv0frwybdbu_dmh4licm5lhl33pnkgmx7amhes34zllyirus_uwvzejdgc1w4l8fwbt6wfsgpyvpqfcrlox2r9p8xv8fdwfx2ql1uofbl2ewsu2snmu8infn3jdnsnyuw6sjdwygd65rzmjeurqw6km.memql_o7vb33xhosjl6c691fa6tlbwvclxzbtwflbmy&dib_tag=se&keywords=a+new+christian+authoritarianism&qid=1712252587&s=books&sprefix=a+new+christian+authoritarianism%2cstripbooks%2c117&sr=1-1 by Jonathan Leeman https://www.amazon.com/city-penguin-classics-augustine-hippo/dp/0140448942/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1sbwxqnqj4siw&dib=eyj2ijoimsj9.k0gq3b18clmagree0scqvaoffftm8gseucbll2wuny6lgylihmt09f87aztrmm5wiidrhcymzuxzyoyofuf8t02lejgjgidd720gagbu7lrt-oflmadeeoyfdatw97xot_1cufj9js3ofgmcfe9d2sdcwwzd9aq6iihvzqqq4kgsmo5l8ap-v83etxub05rsikso3nzg9xdlfsnhfndu2y2iokect4olvvitjo5e9js.pykl5g-s93n7deoxr8pkhomskzakcfq7dfgctkc2t8e&dib_tag=se&keywords=city+of+god&qid=1712252607&s=books&sprefix=city+of+god%2cstripbooks%2c120&sr=1-3 by St. Augustine

Episode 166 | Politics, Part 2: The Purpose Of Government

April 10, 2024 • Autumn Gardner, Hunter Beaumont

Resources mentioned in this episode: 1. VFL Politics class audio (https://subsplash.com/fellowshipdenver/lb/mi/+9pdsb7f, https://subsplash.com/fellowshipdenver/lb/mi/+nvkknc2, https://subsplash.com/fellowshipdenver/lb/mi/+bb293ty, https://subsplash.com/fellowshipdenver/lb/mi/+hpxt6t5) 2. https://www.amazon.com/how-nations-rage-rethinking-politics/dp/1400218446/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1yavx9hh4sr7l&dib=eyj2ijoimsj9.il2ip5ud7drhrrlxzhhntinzy7rfd4kiybaru15np4i.mkeiganbk_0pe6m2wsoveccwyzimydgvg6yjowklk_a&dib_tag=se&keywords=how+the+nations+rage+by+jonathan+leeman&qid=1710438340&sprefix=how+the+nations+rage%2caps%2c115&sr=8-1 by Jonathan Leeman 3. https://youtu.be/ejln9jdqfsc by Johnny Cash

Episode 165 | Politics, Part 1: The Purpose Of Politics

April 3, 2024 • Autumn Gardner, Hunter Beaumont

When we talk about “politics,” we usually mean elections and debates about public issues involving our government and “politicians.” But we can’t think well about governmental politics unless we understand “politics” in a bigger way, as an aspect of our inter-relational existence created by God. Hunter and Autumn discuss two paradigms to get at this bigger meaning of politics. The first paradigm utilizes the biblical movements of creation, fall, and redemption to elucidate the intention, complication, and redeemed modality of politics. The second paradigm relies on the biblical terms shalom, justice, and righteousness to inquire how a redeemed body politick, the Church, can pursue wholeness as the purpose of “politics.”