
Episode 79 | Church As Family, Part 2

Season 1, Episode 79

March 30, 2022 • Autumn Gardner, Michael Goldstein, Angi Pratt

Family played a central role in man's earliest recorded history. Man and Woman, created in God's image, were joined in a union and given the sacred task of continuing God's creative work: bring more image-bearers into being, love them, and commission them to spread God's good kingdom over the face of the earth. They failed. They chose self-determinism, and their family brought about death instead of life.

But God chose family once again as the vehicle to bring about redemption. Through a family a baby boy, God's own son, would be born. He would extend the invitation of sonship and the rich inheritance of God's family to all who would bear his name. If all who are a part of God's church are family, how does that reality shape our lives today?

Autumn, Angi, and Michael discuss the vision and mission of Church as Family via the lens of the local church family and their personal experience.

Episode 167 | Politics, Part 3: Trends In American Politics

April 17, 2024 • Autumn Gardner, Hunter Beaumont

Resources mentioned in this episode: https://www.amazon.com/this-america-nation-jill-lepore/dp/1631496417 by Jill Lepore https://www.amazon.com/church-matters-authoritarianism-nationalism-protestantism/dp/1960877046/ref=sr_1_1?crid=t7e7mpi5q2t7&dib=eyj2ijoimsj9.eftspouewaieowl5iwkgvkk8ysjgq4gzfvvfc-fu6m66c4jh41sloiajrkfpau7pbj23qdlvylbmdvkaxbaviv0frwybdbu_dmh4licm5lhl33pnkgmx7amhes34zllyirus_uwvzejdgc1w4l8fwbt6wfsgpyvpqfcrlox2r9p8xv8fdwfx2ql1uofbl2ewsu2snmu8infn3jdnsnyuw6sjdwygd65rzmjeurqw6km.memql_o7vb33xhosjl6c691fa6tlbwvclxzbtwflbmy&dib_tag=se&keywords=a+new+christian+authoritarianism&qid=1712252587&s=books&sprefix=a+new+christian+authoritarianism%2cstripbooks%2c117&sr=1-1 by Jonathan Leeman https://www.amazon.com/city-penguin-classics-augustine-hippo/dp/0140448942/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1sbwxqnqj4siw&dib=eyj2ijoimsj9.k0gq3b18clmagree0scqvaoffftm8gseucbll2wuny6lgylihmt09f87aztrmm5wiidrhcymzuxzyoyofuf8t02lejgjgidd720gagbu7lrt-oflmadeeoyfdatw97xot_1cufj9js3ofgmcfe9d2sdcwwzd9aq6iihvzqqq4kgsmo5l8ap-v83etxub05rsikso3nzg9xdlfsnhfndu2y2iokect4olvvitjo5e9js.pykl5g-s93n7deoxr8pkhomskzakcfq7dfgctkc2t8e&dib_tag=se&keywords=city+of+god&qid=1712252607&s=books&sprefix=city+of+god%2cstripbooks%2c120&sr=1-3 by St. Augustine

Episode 166 | Politics, Part 2: The Purpose Of Government

April 10, 2024 • Autumn Gardner, Hunter Beaumont

Resources mentioned in this episode: 1. VFL Politics class audio (https://subsplash.com/fellowshipdenver/lb/mi/+9pdsb7f, https://subsplash.com/fellowshipdenver/lb/mi/+nvkknc2, https://subsplash.com/fellowshipdenver/lb/mi/+bb293ty, https://subsplash.com/fellowshipdenver/lb/mi/+hpxt6t5) 2. https://www.amazon.com/how-nations-rage-rethinking-politics/dp/1400218446/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1yavx9hh4sr7l&dib=eyj2ijoimsj9.il2ip5ud7drhrrlxzhhntinzy7rfd4kiybaru15np4i.mkeiganbk_0pe6m2wsoveccwyzimydgvg6yjowklk_a&dib_tag=se&keywords=how+the+nations+rage+by+jonathan+leeman&qid=1710438340&sprefix=how+the+nations+rage%2caps%2c115&sr=8-1 by Jonathan Leeman 3. https://youtu.be/ejln9jdqfsc by Johnny Cash

Episode 165 | Politics, Part 1: The Purpose Of Politics

April 3, 2024 • Autumn Gardner, Hunter Beaumont

When we talk about “politics,” we usually mean elections and debates about public issues involving our government and “politicians.” But we can’t think well about governmental politics unless we understand “politics” in a bigger way, as an aspect of our inter-relational existence created by God. Hunter and Autumn discuss two paradigms to get at this bigger meaning of politics. The first paradigm utilizes the biblical movements of creation, fall, and redemption to elucidate the intention, complication, and redeemed modality of politics. The second paradigm relies on the biblical terms shalom, justice, and righteousness to inquire how a redeemed body politick, the Church, can pursue wholeness as the purpose of “politics.”