
Politics - Class 3 | Debating, Discussing, Voting

Vision For Life: Politics

October 5, 2020 • Hunter Beaumont

In part 3 of our Vision for Life class on Politics, we learn about different "political cultures" inside American Christianity and how these different cultures are causing tension inside the Church.  We ask: In light of our cultural and political differences, how can we talk about politics in a constructive way?  We also take up the subject of voting, using Jesus' famous teaching, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's.”

Presentation: https://storage.snappages.site/GCSXWC/assets/files/Politics-3-Debating-Discussing-Voting-12.pdf

Understanding Abortion - Class 3 | Fostering Life As A Disciple Of Jesus Today

October 26, 2022 • Dave Morlan

Understanding Abortion - Class 2 | Biblical And Theological Foundations Of Life And Abortion

October 19, 2022 • Dave Morlan

Understanding Abortion - Class 1 | The Historical And Philosophical Background To Abortion

October 12, 2022 • Dave Morlan