

Christmas Day

December 25, 2022 • Noah Mitchell, Joel Dow

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2022 • Joel Dow • Luke 1:26–38, Luke 2:1–20

God In Us

December 18, 2022 • Ephesians 2:11–12, Ephesians 3:14–21, Isaiah 35:8–10

Are you an agent of pain or an agent of peace? God's original design did not include anxiety and pain, but the Enemy works through our human-built systems of secularism, consumerism, and individualism to bring pain into our life and the lives of those around us. In this message, Caleb Panter reminds us that because of Jesus, we can be agents of PEACE, to spread His presence throughout the whole world. You'll be challenged to consider what human-built systems you're leaning on that are actually producing anxiety and pain, and to instead live empowered by the Holy Spirit—God IN us.

God Among Us

December 11, 2022 • Garrett Hall • 1 Chronicles 22, Philippians 2:3–11, Exodus 13, Exodus 19, 1 Chronicles 17

God WANTS to be with you. Do you believe that? In this message, Garrett Hall shows us God's heart to be with His people, through looking at the Old Testament Tabernacle, the Temple, and then God's own Son: Jesus. God is not a distant, harsh God. He is not measuring you to see if you will measure up to being good enough for His presence. He WANTS to be with you and He made that possible through Jesus.

God With Us

December 4, 2022 • Matthew 1:18–23, Genesis 1:26–28, Revelation 21:1–4

Emmanuel, “God with us.” The Christmas season is meant to be filled we joy. But in a busy and complicated world, you may instead find yourself struggling with emotions of sadness, confusion, frustration, shock, fear, uncertainty, distraction. While the birth of Jesus is the most wonderful story told, it's easy to forget that many of the characters in this story were struggling with these same emotions. In this message, Jeff Fritsche reminds us that our hope, our joy, our peace are ONLY found in looking to God and the gift of His Son. Nothing else will satisfy us. You'll be challenged to make room to abide in Christ this Christmas season.