
Consecration Sunday

Consecration Sunday

January 1, 2023 • Joshua 3:5, Psalm 51:1–18, Matthew 28:16–20, 1 Peter 2:9

Each of us often start every new year with the best intentions. We make our resolutions, determined to transform into a better version of ourselves; but a couples weeks into January we find ourselves facing the same familiar obstacles: our hectic pace and overloaded schedules, our need to overly-plan OR our lack of intentionality in planning. In this New Years Day message, Caleb Panter reminds us that transformation always starts at the feet of Jesus, submitting ourselves to what God wants to do in our lives and practicing the ways of Jesus. You'll be encourage to take time to pause, reflect, and remember as you prepare to step into 2023. Feel free to use the reflection questions below. REMEMBER: Take time to reflect on God’s character and what He has done. How have you seen his faithfulness in your life this year? REPENT: Take time to evaluate yourself. Are there things keeping you from fully abiding in Christ? In what ways do you need to confess and repent? What areas of your life need to change as you live more devoted to Christ? RESPOND: Based on these reflections, what spiritual practice or rhythm is Jesus inviting you into that will help you abide in Him this year?