What comes first in your life? Do we consider that we can prioritize really, really, really GOOD things, but being missing the mark? In this powerful message, Bob Gray ask us to consider two important questions: If we're not seeking Him first—what are we missing that He wants from us as He equips us for it? And, more importantly, if we're not seeking Him first, are we seeking Him at all? We serve a King who always keeps His promises and always provides. You'll be challenged to consider what things you might be placing first in your life—either in general or even just in moments—and what could change if you gave that place back to God, trusting that Him with each of the other priorities in your life?

God Promises and Provides
January 8, 2023 • Matthew 6:25–33, Hebrews 11:1–2, Hebrews 12:1–2, Philippians 4:4–9