
Everlasting Father

Colossians 1:16

December 18, 2016 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

I love the traditions of the holiday season. I never drink egg nog except at Christmas. I never watch "It's A Wonderful Life" in July. And Jana never cooks a turkey except at Thanksgiving. Our whole family gathers around the Thanksgiving table and we give thanks. One by one we share what we were thankful for. A couple of years ago my announcement went something like this. "I am thankful for my children. I want you to know that I know how hard it is to be a pastor's kid. And I also know it is even harder to be my kid." I meant that. It is hard to be my kid because of my imperfections as a father. I have come to realize that many of my flaws are magnified because of my desperate need for my father's approval. Many of the decisions I have made in life were informed by the desire to make my dad proud. I have even neglected my family at times chasing success so my dad would approve of me. I would like to say I have that all worked out now but I am still marked by my dad's opinion. And here is the crazy thing - my dad is dead! He is in Heaven where we will get all this worked out some day but in the meantime I am constantly reminded of the power and influence of fatherhood. Today we come to the third of four names Isaiah uses to describe the Messiah, Eternal Father.