
Leaving a Legacy

2 Timothy 2:1-7

October 2, 2016 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

It's a familiar story. The son of a famous actor is found dead on the floor of his 2 million dollar Hollywood Hills home surrounded by pills, booze and cigarette butts. The father grieves publicly alongside his latest wife. He was always a peripheral figure but his son was never able to step out of the shadow of his famous father. He died at 36. Friends say the young man was upset when his dad even ignored phone calls from him to wish him a happy 66th birthday. Now the son is all but forgotten but the father is still famous. Once again we are reminded of the unintended consequences of seeking fame and fortune for ourselves without regard for others. Sometimes the bigger you get the smaller you make those around you. At some point we choose - live to be a legend or live to leave a legacy. Our passage today tells us how we can leave a legacy of faith that will outlive us. By God's grace we pass on the faith that has been entrusted to us. So...

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