
The Anatomy of a Difference Maker

2 Timothy 3:10-17

November 6, 2016 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

2 Tim. 3:10-17...As I worked my way through our passage this week, I remembered Lawnchair Larry Walters. I've told you about him before. He was the unemployed truck driver who, in 1982, decided to tie a few weather balloons to his lawn chair so he could float above a SoCal neighborhood for a while. Armed with a pellet gun, he planned to shoot the balloons one at a time until he came back to earth. He climbed up on his girlfriend’s roof and began tying 40 balloons to the chair. When the rope holding him to the roof broke, Walters went up so fast he dropped the gun and held on for dear life. A commercial airplane called him in at 11,000 feet. After several hours, he descended safely where an army of reporters were waiting to get the story. When they asked him the inevitable “why” question, all Walters could say was, “You can’t just sit there. You have to do something.”

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