
I Am the Resurrection

John 11:1-6

May 28, 2017 • Gary Brandenburg

What happened to Lazarus can happen to you and me but there’s one problem; in order to be resurrected, you have to die and dying is the last thing we want to do.

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I Am the True Vine

June 11, 2017 • Gary Brandenburg

The parable of the vine and the branches is a promise with a warning. The warning is that it is possible to be marginally connected to the vine but to have no ability to sustain life and bear fruit. No doubt Jesus was grieved by the loss of Judas. Could it be that Judas was the branch that was thrown away, cast into the fire and burned? This is a strong warning to all of us. Submit to the sovereign work of the vinedresser, stay connected to the vine or be tossed aside like a fruitless branch.

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

June 4, 2017 • Gary Brandenburg

Are you lost? Jesus is the way. Are you confused? Jesus is the truth. Are you walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death? Jesus is the life.

I Am the Good Shepherd

May 21, 2017 • Gary Brandenburg

You don't evaluate a shepherd on the basis of how well they pet sheep. A loving parent doesn't just comfort their children. Love includes correction. Comfort and correction go together.