
Don't Get Mad - Get Holy

1 Peter 1:10-16

October 1, 2017 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

There are times I just don’t feel at home in this world. One of the hardest parts about being a Christian is that there is less and less cultural reinforcement for Christianity. Every day I read some story that reminds me that this world is opposed to what I believe. For example, the Hi-Way Tabernacle Church in Rockport was severely flooded during Hurricane Harvey. Still, the church served as a FEMA staging center, provided shelter for 70 displaced people and distributed more than 8,000 emergency meals. But the church is not eligible for any of the billions of dollars of recovery money from FEMA, because FEMA “categorically excludes houses of worship from equal access to disaster relief grants because of their religious status.” Ok, separation of church and state. I get it.