

1 Peter 4:1-6

January 7, 2018

Happy New Year! The beginning of the year is traditionally the beginning of a new season. We come out of the holiday season, with it’s fun and joy and the excesses of making merry, and we enter into…the resolution season. Every January so many of us make determined decisions to live our lives in a different way in the new year. Some of us resolve to lose a little weight. Others want to exercise more. Some want to get a better handle on their finances. Others are determined to read their Bible more. All good things. But here’s the problem, and many of you know what I’m going to say. So few of these resolutions are actually kept. In fact, the stat I read this week said that only 8% of resolutions are achieved. Most people don’t even make it out of February. I recently heard a comedian lament his own struggle with his 2017 resolution: “Well, I made a resolution this year to lose 15 lbs.…and I only have 25 left to go!” I saw more articles at the beginning of the year not on what your resolution should be, but on how to keep it. I read counsel that included writing down your goal, telling others, building a plan, and so on. Ultimately, the problem is that success is based on our willpower. And so, this morning, I want to challenge all of us to make the same New Year’s resolution. It’s a resolution based not on our willpower, but one based on God’s will and power.