
Suffering Triumphant Servant King

Mark 8:27-9:13

July 19, 2015

I was listening to a speaker last week that is involved in the Explore God initiative that Gary and Caleb introduced last Sunday. He marveled at how often people go online to look for information on Jesus. So I was curious. How often do people go on Google to get help in answering the question “Who is Jesus?” Apparently Google keeps track of that stuff and BoneZ helped me out. I discovered that there are roughly 800,000 searches per day for help in answering the question “Who is Jesus?” 800,000. I was astonished. And then I got curious again. I wonder what people are being told when they type in “Who is Jesus?” So I did that very thing and, .42 seconds later, I received 325,000,000 results. Here’s a sample of what I found: