
Does Life Have A Purpose?

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, 2:12-23

September 13, 2015 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

Trapper John is exploring God. For the next seven weeks I want to invite you to explore God too. Some of you, maybe most of you, have already discovered God. But many people you know are troubled by questions such as:
“If God exists, why is He so shy? He seems to be playing hide and seek.”
“If God exists, why doesn’t He do something about this mess on planet
“If God exists, is He (or She) Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or other?”
“If God exists, what does He want from me?”
These are the kinds of questions we are going to consider over the next seven weeks.
Explore God is simply an invitation to ease of off the road for a season and think about the things that matter most. Today we are going to begin our expedition with the question, “Does life have a purpose?” If you’re like most people there are times when you have felt like you’re just going in circles.

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