
Easter Sunday: Rise

April 4, 2021 • Rick Dunn • Mark 16:1–5, John 20:16–18, Romans 8:11, Ephesians 1:18–20

This week, Easter Sunday, Rick teaches from Ephesians 1. He looks at the three types of resurrections that Paul would have understood: the bodily resurrection of Christ, the resurrection of dead hearts, and the resurrection of believers bodies. Rick spoke about graves and explained that what feels like a grave to us in our struggles are actually the places that Christ meets us and brings us resurrection.

More from Easter 2021

Good Friday: There Is A Veil

April 2, 2021

Palm Sunday: Who is This?

March 28, 2021 • JC Neely • Matthew 21, Psalm 8

This week, Palm Sunday, JC teaches from Matthew 21. He focuses on the affections of those in Jerusalem being stirred up by the events surrounding Jesus' triumphant entry into the city. However, were they stirred up by the events, or were they stirred up because of who Jesus was? As we prepare our hearts for Easter, we need to examine what is stirring our affections - are we focusing on Christ or on the events surrounding the holiday.