
13: TRUTH on Tour

Luke 4:14-30

February 9, 2014 • Jackie Watts • Luke 18:13, John 9:39

Have you ever been in trouble because your words were insincere? What about the reverse - have you ever been in trouble because your words WERE sincere? You told the TRUTH, the other person DIDN’T want to hear it…and it cost you. It cost a powerful young rabbi who called Himself the Way, the TRUTH, & the Life too. But His message of TRUTH can bring you REAL LIFE.

1: LUKE Intro: Author, Audience, & Message

November 17, 2013 • Jackie Watts • Acts 1:1–2, 2 Timothy 4:11

Today we begin a journey through an ancient letter we call "Luke" to discover the significance of the author, his audience, and his message.

2: God's Plan

November 24, 2013 • TJ Green • Luke 1:5–25

Have you ever prayed for something and wonder why God has not answered you yet? Could it be that even though we do not understand why, that He actually has a plan? This week we will see that lived out in the life of Zechariah and Elizabeth.

3: The Lord's Servant

December 1, 2013 • Jackie Watts • Luke 1:26–38, Luke 1:16–17, Matthew 22:41–42

"The King is Coming." The announcement that Israel has been awaiting had finally come, but not how they expected. Today we discover the heartbeat of the Lord's servant and consider the question, "Am I the Lord's servant?"