
1: Introduction to James

James 1:1

January 28, 2018 • Jackie Watts • Galatians 2:9, Matthew 22:32, Matthew 13:54–56, Mark 3:20–21, Acts 21:18

Today we begin a journey through the writing we call James. Sometimes referred to as the New Testament Proverbs, this writing is full of interesting word pictures, practical wisdom, & easy-to-understand commands, challenging us to put feet to our faith and walk what we talk. Join us for the journey!

2: Who Do You Trust?

January 28, 2018 • Jackie Watts • Mark 9:22–24, 1 Corinthians 10:13, James 1:2–18

Who you trust during the tough times changes the question from “Why must I GO through this?” to “How will I GROW through this?”

3: How We Behave Shows What We Believe

February 4, 2018 • Jackie Watts • Proverbs 14:31, Luke 4:18–19, Luke 6:20–26, Matthew 7:12, Romans 8:1–2

What we SAY doesn’t demonstrate what we believe, but how we BEHAVE does. Today we examine how Christians different than culture can make a difference in culture.

4: Love Without Exceptions

February 11, 2018 • Jackie Watts • Proverbs 14:31, Luke 4:18–19, Luke 6:20–26, Matthew 7:12, Romans 8:1–2

“In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you…” - Jesus Imagine a world where everywhere who calls Jesus their king would live that out, where we choose to love, with no exceptions.