
4: Awaiting His Arrival

2 Peter 3

February 27, 2022 • Jackie Watts • 2 Peter 3, Psalm 90:2–4, Ezekiel 18:23, Acts 17:30–31, 1 Thessalonians 4:15—5:3

Why is Jesus taking so long to return? How can we know He is going to return? Simon Peter assures us why we should be living like we are awaiting His arrival.

1: Knowing & Growing

January 30, 2022 • Jackie Watts • John 20:28–29, 1 Peter 1:8–9, James 3:2, 2 Peter 1:1–11, 2 Peter 3:1–4

Those who KNOW GOD are empowered and expected to be GROWING to spiritual maturity. Discover a practical picture of what that looks like in real life.

2: Scriptures & Eyewitnesses

February 6, 2022 • Jackie Watts • Psalm 2:6–7, Psalm 119:105, John 5:39–40, 2 Peter 1:12–21, John 21:17–19

Some think the Bible is full of fairy tales, told so often that people just believe the fanciful stories, but the Scriptures were written by those who were eyewitnesses of the Creator who revealed Himself to His creation. Today we are reminded why the Scriptures and the eyewitnesses can be trusted.

3: Freed or Afraid?

February 13, 2022 • Jackie Watts • 2 Peter 2, 2 Timothy 4:1–3, Jude 12

Are you a follower of Jesus pointing others to Him, a chameleon changing with your surroundings and leading others astray, or someone expecting to experience heaven regardless of your beliefs? After today's teaching, and depending on your answer, you will likely find yourself FREED or AFRAID.