
A Second Look at Healing Our Land

November 7, 2021 • Mike Waldrop • 2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 Peter 2:10–12

Regardless of your political standing, the situation in our country often feels dark and somewhat hopeless. It’s easy to feel like the country has been taken away and that you are no longer comfortable in your own land. And according to the Bible, that might not be a bad thing for those that follow Jesus. Yet, while we are on this earth, we join Jesus in the mission of bringing reconciliation and restoration to all He loves, regardless of our own political persuasions. Join us as we consider our citizenship and its benefits and liabilities.

Taking a Second Look at Already, Not Yet

November 21, 2021 • Mike Waldrop • Romans 8:18–30

As a parent of little ones its sometimes hard to make clear when you plan on keeping your promises. Our little ones tend to think a promise is instantly redeemable and those words about ice cream when we finish our tasks are often taken to mean, “Let’s stop what we’re doing and go get ice cream right now.” And sometimes we, as adults, can take the promises of the Bible in the same way. We can miss the timing in which promises are expected to come true. You are invited to join us as we consider the “already, and the not yet.”

Taking A Second Look At Temptation and Contentment

November 14, 2021 • Mike Waldrop • 1 Corinthians 10:13, Philippians 4:13

A couple of Christian cliches are “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle” and “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Both are based on Bible verses. Yet have you ever considered what these really mean? What “all things” can we do? And what is the topic of not having more than we can handle? The cliché answers will disappoint and mislead. But the real answers will remind you of the God who loves you and is working to bring the peace of contentment and security to your life. Join us this morning as we take a second look at temptation and contentment.