
The Sign Of The Towel

Lead Verse: John 13:14-15 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you too ought

October 2, 2022 • Mike Waldrop • Matthew 20:24–28, Luke 9:46–48, John 13:12–17, Philippians 2:4–11

In a world that promotes self-centered self-indulgence, it’s rare to find those who genuinely care about other people and serve them willingly. Whether politicians or pastors, there seems to be expectations that service brings rewards, accolades, gratitude and prosperity. Yet Jesus was the counter to that culture. And He invites us to learn to lead and serve as He did, caring deeply for others and living love in their behalf. Join us as we consider the Spiritual Life Discipline of service, and what it looks like in today’s world.