
A Brewing Feud

1 Samuel 18:12 “Now Saul was afraid of David, for the Lord was with him but had departed from Saul.”

January 30, 2022 • Mike Waldrop • 1 Samuel 18

Ever find yourself down or discouraged because things are not like they used to be? Or maybe you’re frustrated because things seem to be going so much smoother for someone you know. Sometimes we’re unhappy because we’re comparing now with then, or us with them, or me with you. Join us as we look at what happens when we fall into that way of thinking. And learn with us how we can help each other focus on the great things God has given.

The Good Guy Wins

March 27, 2022 • Mike Waldrop • Acts 13:16–41

All of our lives go through seasons of Good, Bad and Ugly. When we’re in one of those unpleasant seasons of life, we can feel consumed and lose sight of God’s purposes and mission. It happened to King David, and it happens to us. But King David’s legacy was not one of defeat and stumbling, but of completing what God had for him and providing all of Israel and the world with the ultimate King. Join us as we are encouraged to know that our bad and ugly seasons of life don’t have to be our legacy. And join with us as we follow the ultimate king, are transformed and given an ultimate purpose.

Family Feud 2 – the Day God Hung a Hippie

March 20, 2022 • Mike Waldrop • 2 Samuel 14, 2 Samuel 15, 2 Samuel 16, 2 Samuel 17, 2 Samuel 18

In recent years the mental health field has decided that the source of many of our stresses and diseases is resentment and bitterness towards others who have hurt us. Therapist have adopted strategies to help us work through those hurts and “release” them for our own good. The Old Testament story of King David and his son, Absalom, is a great illustration of the contrast between resentment and forgiveness. Join us as we examine two lives and ask God to lead us to be people of forgiveness.

A Family Feud - Episode 1

March 13, 2022 • Mike Waldrop • 2 Samuel 13

Families are strange and interesting creations. Some appear quite healthy yet go off the rails. Others are clearly dysfunctional and yet produce individuals that are outstanding examples of faith and trust in Christ. King David of Israel was a man after God's own heart, yet his family went off the rails. Join us as we explore the relationships between forgiveness, grace and justice in our families now, and in the ultimate family of God.