
I Will Build My Church

June 4, 2023 • Brett Posey • Matthew 16:13–20

As we continue to explore the hard sayings of Jesus, this week we will take a closer look at Matthew 16.  Peter declares Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the living God, and at first glance appears to receive the keys to heaven for his right answer.  But with a deeper look, we recognize that all the disciples including Peter and even Judas, can’t comprehend the mission Jesus is calling them on.  How often do we relate to the disciples bold, yet misplaced, declarations of who Christ is, only to discover we are seeking our own agenda?

A Third Door

July 30, 2023 • Brandon Wolters • Matthew 18:15–17

In the 1st century, the only two doors you could take in resolving relational conflict were fight or flight. Fast forward to our cultural moment, the 21st century, and nothing has changed. What if there was a radical third door you could enter regarding relational conflict? Would you be willing to open that door and walk in? Join us Sunday as we look at another hard saying of Jesus in which He invites us to enter through the third door: Peacemaking.

One Single-Minded Pursuit

July 23, 2023 • Brandon Wolters • Luke 19:1–10

“Not all who wander are lost.” Is that true? This Sunday, we will dive into a hard saying of Jesus that is easy to understand and simple to live out, yet we’ve complicated it. What’s the remedy? Join us as we unpack this saying together.

Follow Me

July 16, 2023 • Brett Posey • John 21

Peter, one of Jesus’s disciples was no stranger to the ministry of Jesus and the miracles He preformed, yet Peter continued to struggle being focused on His Teacher’s call to follow Him. So many times in our own lives, like Peter, we find ourselves wanting to be used by Christ. However, when Christ does call us to follow Him, we are quick to point out all the reasons we can’t, or worse, point out all the other people who don’t. Sunday we will explore another example of when Peter reminds us of the struggle to live out the simple but hard saying of Jesus “Follow Me”.