
The Unknown God is Alive and Well

March 10, 2024 • Mike Waldrop • Acts 17:16–34

In all our lives there is a desire to count for something. We want a life that is meaningful and that experiences a sense of fulfillment. Humanity seems to be hard-wired to pursue these same things. In ancient times as well as today we often settle for insufficient substitutes that temporarily meet our needs but ultimately let us down. Paul addressed some of these things to the people in Athens when he saw an altar built to an unknown god. Join us as we consider this search for fulfilment in life and the danger of the insufficient.


April 21, 2024 • Mike Waldrop • Acts 28:17–31

If one word could be used to sum up the condition of our world right now, I think it would be “unstable.” Whether we are talking about the Stock Market or the Middle East, gasoline prices or the coming elections there is a sense in which unstable is an appropriate description. In the last message of the book of Acts Paul is imprisoned in an unstable situation. Yet, he continually presents hope to his audiences. And when they reject his message of hope in the Messiah, he tells those who won’t listen that hope will be sent to those who will. Join us as we consider our ultimate “Hope” in an unstable world.

A Focused Faith

April 14, 2024 • Mike Waldrop • Acts 20:17–35

The voices of today’s world call for our attention about all kinds of things. Are we safe? Are we prosperous? Is the culture suitable for our children and their futures? Is our culture healthy or deteriorating? Is our political leadership doing what’s right or leading us into ruin? The voices of Paul’s world were very similar. Yet he lived a life of focused faith. Join us as we take a look at a life consumed by purpose and driven by mission and think about how we can also live a more focused faith.

Fill in the Blanks

March 17, 2024 • Mike Waldrop • Acts 19:1–10

Wise people have always counseled others to “not jump to conclusions”. Sometimes we can jump to disastrous conclusions, other times we jump the right way but just not far enough. Join us this morning as we consider a story in which men had made positive decisions about Jesus but hadn’t jumped far enough due to only getting part of the story. Learn with us how to fill in the blanks.