
Pack Light

August 29, 2021 • Mike Waldrop • Mark 10:13–31

When traveling there are two kinds of packers. Children pack what brings them comfort and joy like a favorite toy, a blanket or a book. They are dependent on mom or dad to pack up what they need. And then there are divas who pack everything they could conceivably need and who must pay people to get baggage from one place to another. Their stuff is a distraction from their journey. This morning we consider how to “Pack Light” when looking at our spiritual life as a trip. Come join us as we pack light for the journey.

One Journey Ends, Another Begins

October 31, 2021 • Mike Waldrop • Mark 16:1–8

Have you ever felt like such a religious failure, or that religion failed you, to the point of just bailing out? The first group of Jesus’ followers felt the same way. When Jesus was crucified they saw his death as the end of their journey and their hope. They failed and bailed. Yet, after the Resurrection Jesus not only offered them restoration in their relationships, but invited them to join Him as they resumed a new journey. You’re invited to join us as we consider a new journey together.

The Last Stop

October 10, 2021 • Mike Wald • Mark 15:1–39

Power struggles seem to be the norm in human life. There are power struggles in politics, in jobs and business, and in families. And often the pursuit of power is a pursuit of things we are convinced will advance our cause, increase our sense of personal value, affirm our identities, or fulfill us in some other way. At Jesus’ last stop in earthly ministry He was in the middle of several major power struggles. Join us this week as we look at power struggles, how they were resolved back then and how we can come to terms with them today in our own lives.

One Last Place to Go

October 3, 2021 • Mike Wa • Mark 14:53–72

Some life circumstances shake us to our core and we find ourselves conflicted in our responses. We profess a set of beliefs and values, and yet we struggle when our responses seem contrary. And sometimes we feel guilty about our responses while other times our responses make us question the validity of what we believe. Join us this week as we look at a man who went through these same experiences, and consider with us what his experience says to us about having one last place to go.