
The Promise of a Prodigal's Future

January 21, 2018 • Dr. Don Wilton

When we think of prodigals in the Bible, we usually think of the prodigal son story in the New Testament. However, the Israelites were prodigals throughout their journeys in the Old Testament. We learn from them that God is a loving God who always welcomes us back home after we have strayed.

Where are you in your spiritual life? What is most important to you in your relationship with the Lord? Have you strayed from God or do you have a close friend who has strayed from God? People all around us are crying for help because they are prodigals whose relationship with God is not what it should be. Despite the fact that we know God’s love for us, our pride keeps us from experiencing the abundant life God has promised.

Dr. Wilton shares the principles that God gave to the Israelites, God’s chosen people, who needed to return to God. These same principles apply to us today if we are far from God or principles that we can share with people we know are prodigals. What can we do? We can lay down the past and turn it over to God. Then we can take hold of His righteousness and start a new life. This is a promise of God.

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