
Worldview // Honor/Shame

Why Teach the Bible Chronologically

The Shame of the Fall / Patron-Client Relationships

November 17, 2019 • Genesis 3

We examine the shame that was assigned to all of Adam's race at the Fall. Also, historical patron-client relationships demonstrate a compelling example of how honor, given in gratitude, is a deeply appropriate response to the undeserved grace of our Patron.

Creation - Genesis 1 and 2

November 10, 2019 • Genesis 1—2

As the Creation account unfolds, the world explodes with the generosity and hospitality of the Almighty Creator. With an abundance beyond what we could imagine, God spoke everything into being. His others-centered love is not a keeping love, but a sharing love. On the 6th day, God creates mankind in His image. He created them with the capacity for fellowship and community with Himself and each other. He places mankind over all creation and crowned him with glory and honor. There existed perfect joy, perfect peace, and perfect love as mankind dines with their Creator who set a generous table before them.

Biblical vs. Carnal views of Honor & Shame

October 27, 2019

Honor and Shame can be lived out and pursued carnally as well as Biblically. It has a public nature to it where honor and shame is impacted through relationship and community. Who others say I am. From before the foundations of the earth God existed in divine fellowship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is inviting us back into this divine unity.

Honor/Shame vs. Innocence/Guilt and Fear/Power

October 20, 2019

Much of the world operates from an honor and shame worldview. In these cultures they are seeking to maximize honor and minimize shame. Clarity of the Gospel message, as well as other Biblical truth, is impacted by whether or not this need for honor and freedom from shame is addressed. Christ bore our shame and restored us into fellowship with the Father. We are adopted into His family.

Importance of Teaching Foundationally

October 13, 2019

Media is impacting at the worldview level. It is always communicating deeply and impacting our worldview assumptions. Teaching foundationally, with an emphasis on God—as He has revealed Himself in His word, is vital to communicating the Biblical Metanarrative.

Worldview Assumptions are Tacitly Held

October 6, 2019 • Deuteronomy 6:4–9

Worldview assumptions are taken for granted and hardly ever examined: they are ‘fundamental givens’ with which people think, not what they think about - Paul Hiebert

Metanarrative - Overarching Grand Story

September 29, 2019 • Proverbs 18:13

Our worldview is derived from and embedded within the metanarrative that we hold to. It is in the context of the Biblical metanarrative that we find the truths of God’s Word.

Core Assumptions

September 22, 2019

Looking at the worldview core assumptions to help us get to the heart of our beliefs.

The "Lens" through which we see life

September 15, 2019 • Proverbs 18:13

Worldview is the lens through which we view, interpret and filter life. One's worldview is made up of "FACTS" that they hold to, and from it they participate in life.


September 8, 2019 • Matthew 16:28, Colossians 1:28

Introductory matter, Christ will build His church, God's focus is on the heart of man.