
Growing in the Knowledge of God

A Chronological Study of the Bible Revealing God's Character

Meta Narrative Context Lesson

June 1, 2023 • Jim Pool

Lesson 1: Introduction

June 4, 2023 • Jim Pool

1. Goals of This Teaching 2. So, just what is the “traditional way” of teaching the Bible? 3. Chronological Teaching vs. Traditional Teaching 4. Christianity is Meant to be a Relationship. 5. Examples of those who didn’t know God

God is Eternal and the Bible is His Message to All People

June 5, 2023 • Jim Pool

God is a communicator and it’s very, very obvious that He wants us to know Him, to know the truth. As you all know, there are many misconceptions about God. God is omnipresent. He is everywhere at the same time. Because God alone existed before everything and everyone else, He is greater than all. Because God is the only One that was there before all things, only He has the authority to tell us how everything began.

God Created the Angels

June 5, 2023 • Jim Pool

Keeping a right perspective requires us to recognize God is Sovereign and nothing exists without Him and nothing happens without His Will and/or consent. Our challenging circumstances are not the issue, but our view of God is the challenge in our circumstances. We need a bigger view of God.

God Revealed Himself and His Heart Through His Creative Acts

June 7, 2023 • Jim Pool

The more facts and details we learn about God's creation, the more we will begin to grasp His greatness and wonder. We discuss the eternality of God, and day 1-6 of creation: 1) the heavens and the earth and Light; 2) the atmosphere; 3) dry land and plant life; 4) sun, mon and stars; 5) marine life and birds; and 6) animals.

God Created Adam and Eve

July 13, 2023 • Jim Pool

While God owns everything He created, God lovingly prepared the Earth for man, then created him in His image because He wanted relationships.

God Placed Adam in Eden

July 13, 2023 • Jim Pool

There were many trees in the Garden of Eden, but just two trees had eternal consequence. After he disobeyed God by eating of the tree of the Knowlege of Good and Evil, Adam's state was like a branch that was just cut off from a tree. Though he didn't look dead after he sinned, his immediate and end state was inevitable. Adam immediately needed life again just like we do (i.e., being in Adam) before we are saved.

God Created a Wife for Adam

July 13, 2023 • Jim Pool

God's heart is the same today as when He created from Adam's rib the best gift ever, namely a wife. God creates the need for Him through circumstance and then paitently waits to fulfill the need at the perfect time.

Lucifer Rebelled Against God

July 13, 2023 • Jim Pool

Angels were created by God and received delegated authority (e.g., like man did). Satan fell and lost his responsibilities and position.

Adam and Eve Disobeyed God

July 31, 2023 • Jim Pool

When we sin, our natural tendency is to fear and hide from God like Adam and Eve. We do this because we don't know God and we doubt Him, Who He is, and what He's like!

God Judged Adam and Eve, Cursed the Earth, and Promised a Deliverer

July 31, 2023 • Jim Pool

Sin brought terrible consequences into the world. We live in these consequences every day and die because of them. Nevertheless, God is carryinh out His plan. Nothing ever catches Him by surprise. The fall of man was another step in the process of God setting the stage for His plan to be carried out.

God Povided Clothing and Drove Them Out of the Garden

July 31, 2023 • Jim Pool

Satan's attempt to get man to sin was another attempt at becoming God -- to get man under his authority. God Himself, though, had other plans from eternity past -- His redemptive plan -- that forsaw man's sin and rescued him from the domain of darkness. God made sure Adam and Eve would not be permantly in the state of sin by driving them out of the garden. He illustrated His future work on the cross by providing the clothing through sacrifice.

Cain’s and Abel’s Offerings

August 18, 2023 • Jim Pool

Without God’s divine intervention and calling people unto Himself and creating that hunger to know Him within them, NO ONE would have ever turned back to Him! The eternal plan of redemption originated in God’s heart before time began. The carrying out of that plan throughout history was ALL done by His divine intervention. God left only ONE needed component for His plan to be carried out up to mankind……SIN!

God’s Justice Demands Judgment on Sin, But His Grace Always Provides a Way of Deliverance

August 18, 2023 • Jim Pool

Noah’s only hope was to believe God and trust in His grace and mercy! It is exactly the same for us today; our only hope is to believe God and trust in His grace and mercy, period!

God Faithfully Delivered Those in the Ark, and Sovereignly Intervenes and Forces Mankind to Follow H

August 18, 2023 • Jim Pool

Not one of us is here today because we are of a different “cut” than those in Noah’s day, or Cain, or those atBabel!We were just like them and God has done the same work with us as He did with Abel, Seth, Enoch, and Noah!Without God’s divine intervention, we’d all be doomed!