
Building Up One Another

October 14, 2018 • John Morrison

“Class Based on “Building Up One Another” by Gene Getz**

**Founding pastor of the first several Fellowship Bible Churches

God has planted in the lives of every believer something special with the potential for accomplishing eternal good. Because of that, our lives have a great purpose if we know Christ.

Today’s class is an emphasis on what God has called us to be and to do with each other in this body. It is called “Building up One Another” for three reasons:

One: that is what we are commanded to do – Romans 14:19; Ephesians 4:12; 4:16.

Two: this is something we all need personally – What are some things that leave us in a position where we need to be built up? Where do we need to build each other up?

Three: The idea for the class came from a class Jim Annable and I taught 15 years ago called, "Building Up One Another" based on a book of that title by Gene Getz.”