
The Fool and the Wise – The Righteous and the Wicked

Proverbs 10:1-14

July 20, 2020 • Jim Pool • Proverbs 10:1–14

1 Corinthians 1:30 says that In Christ comes wisdom and righteousness from God. Living the skilled life of Proverbs finds its source in our new life in and with Christ. Making decisions moment by moment reveals whether we are trusting God for His gift of Wisdom and Righteousness, or not. Examples of the contrast in these verses include:

Wise – makes a father glad
Fool – grief to his mother
Righteous – will not hunger
Wicked – hunger will be rejected
Negligent – will be poor
Diligent – will be made rich
Gathers in summer – acts wisely
Sleeps in harvest – acts shamefully
Righteous – blessings
Wicked – conceal violence
Righteous – remembered well
Wicked – not remembered well