
The Church

Matthew 16:13-18

April 23, 2017 • Paul Strahan

Today we look at the church. What is the church, and why you should join a church?

Evangelism Part 3: Having a Spiritual Conversation

June 4, 2017 • Paul Strahan

As we encounter people each week, we need to have our spiritual antennas up. This means that we are praying and looking for opportunities to turn conversations into a gospel conversation. Today we discuss what that looks like and how we can begin having spiritual conversations every week.

Evangelism Part 2: Sharing the Gospel

May 28, 2017 • Paul Strahan

As Christ followers, we know we are to witness to everyone. Today we will look at one example from Christ as he has a spiritual conversation with a Samaritan woman. My challenge to you: will you begin having spiritual conversations with people you meet every day? We are called to “go into the world and make disciples!"

Evangelism Part 1: One of the Greatest Challenges for a Christ Follower

May 7, 2017 • Paul Strahan

Today we discuss the call to be “fishers of men” and the difficulty to answer that call.