
"Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways. . ."

February 23, 2020 • Matt Dubach

Control means that God has the power to direct the whole course of nature and history as he pleases. Authority means that God has a right to do that. Presence means that God is with his creatures to bless and to judge in terms of the standard of his covenant.
(John Frame, "Systematic Theology")

The Ground of All Reasonable Hope

May 10, 2020 • Steve Bateman

The book of Job concludes with a perfect resolution that is unrealistic in most circumstances. Real life simply does not work like this for most people who trust in the Lord. Yet in God's sovereign plan, Job's extraordinary experience of prosperity and adversity, becomes a template for our own lives in an unexpected way.

"Then the Lord Answered"

May 3, 2020 • Steve Bateman

To Understand Suffering, Study Science

April 26, 2020 • Steve Bateman

Throughout his suffering Job grows bolder in demanding an explanation from God, even suggesting that God has been unjust. Thus far, God has been silent, allowing everyone to enter their opinions into the public written record for all time. But now, God speaks and surprisingly answers Job’s questions with questions of his own that invite Job to study science.