
Day 15

Expanded Giving

October 29, 2023

Luke 19:29-35

The owners said, 'Why are you untying the donkey?' (The disciples) said, ‘The Lord has need of it.’ (Luke 19:33-34)

Are there ways to give more?

Proverbs 3:9 encourages the faithful to "honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce." A crucial aspect of biblical stewardship is takin the faith step of making everything available to God.

We often assume that the only source of giving is our income

·      is there an asset you no longer use that could be sold?

·      is there a hobby that needs to be given up?

·      is there a possession that has become to important that needs to be given away?

·      is there an investment that God wants sown into His kingdom? 

Your weekly or monthly income (your "produce") may not be the only resource in your life from which to give. People often have valuable assets (your "substance") beyond their income. By looking at all of your resources, not simply your income, you may discover assets or substance in your life which, if untied, can help you to give a far more substantial gift than you thought possible.

Why  would you give things that you enjoy and own that have real value? It is simple. The Lord has need of it. What you willingly give will mean far more to you than what you are giving up. God may be calling you to free up resources that are tied up in the substance of your life. Untied, the "substance" which you may have may be blessed with, could now be an even greater blessing as a gift. Like the owners in Luke's gospel who provided Jesus with a way into the city of Jerusalem, these people had a donkey -- and the Lord had need of it.

Maybe it is time to untie your donkey, to free some of your substance and bring it. The Lord has need of it.

Prayer: Lord, help me to see how much I have been blessed with in my life - and to see how things may bring a whole new sense of blessing as a gift.

Action Item: Do an inventory of your "substance." Are there assets in your life that you could untie in order to enlarge your giving?