

The Schedule for Wednesdays is:
5:00 Family Night Supper (please sign up)
6:00pm Midweek Groups & Orchestra
6:30pm Worship Choir
All groups conclude at 7:30pm

Midweek Supper

Pay at the door with cash or check. Or you may pay by Venmo @first-fairhope and state that it’s for supper. Adults $6 (12 yrs and over) Children $5 (3-11 yrs) Under 3 yr olds eat free Family Cap $22 Menus coming up:

Systematic Theology

August 17, 2022

6:00-7:30pm Systematic Theology is organized under these traditional theological categories: revelation, God, humanity, Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and last things. Each chapter within these sections contains answers to the following four questions: What does the Bible say? What has the church believed? How does it all fit together? How does this doctrine impact the church today?

Psalm 23 | Ladies Bible Study

August 17, 2022

Co-Facilitators: Janet Hankins, Rhonda Kelley, Kelly Gray and others Location: S201, Cost: Workbook $10.00 Join together weekly with other women to study God’s Word and learn to apply His truths in our lives! The fall study will be “Psalm 23: The Shepherd with Me” by Jennifer Rothschild. We will study this familiar Old Testament prayer through her video teaching, then share biblical application in small groups. This Bible study on prayer will help us experience its power and learn fresh ways to pray. Come eager to connect with sisters in the Lord and commune with our Heavenly Father as we dig into Psalm 23! Weekly Schedule for this study: Tuesdays 9:00-10:30am beginning August 23rd (Room S201), Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm beginning August 17th (Room S201), Thursdays 6:00-7:30pm beginning August 25th (On Zoom)