
Kingdom Kindness


March 1, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

This message we're on the final beatitude from our sermon series, where Jesus makes a surprising statement. He says blessed are those who face persecution and opposition for their faith! We wouldn’t normally think persecution as a blessing, but when Jesus said those words to his followers, that was their reality. Even today, there are places in the world where persecution for following Jesus is the norm. Although we live in a time and place where opposition for faith in Christ rarely if ever, comes to the level of physical persecution, there are more subtle ways we can suffer for our faith in America today. As we unpack this beatitude, we’ll learn about why Jesus said persecution truly can be seen as a blessing, and we’ll also get to see how our church can be a blessing to people in areas of the world who risk immensely and suffer personally for their decision to follow Jesus. You can read all eight beatitudes here in Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

February 16, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

This sermon, we’ll focus on what it means to be pure in heart before God. Being pure in heart means that we are honest with ourselves about who we really are before God. Often Christians feel a need to project an image that everything is polished and put together, even when that is far from reality. This message, we’ll learn about how to live honestly, so that the way we see ourselves, and how we present ourselves to others is in line with the reality of how God sees us. In these last few weeks of our beatitudes series, we’ll see how each of the beatitudes come together to build upon one another. In order to see ourselves accurately before God, we need humility and meekness. As we pursue righteousness, we also recognize the mercy that we have already received. This message, we’ll learn how to live as people with pure hearts before God. You can read all eight beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

February 23, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

This message, we’re on beatitude number seven: “Blessed are the peacemakers.” In a world of a conflict and division, learning to live as peacemakers is so unique and valuable. Jesus even said those who are peacemakers will be called “sons of God.” As we'll see this sermon, becoming a peacemaker not only requires courage but also teaches us something about the heart of God. Throughout this series, we’ve learned about what it means to be poor in spirit, to mourn, and see ourselves humbly before God. To live as a peacemakers requires all the skills of the beatitudes put into practice. In these last two weeks on the beatitudes, we’ll look at how to be peacemakers and then the following message we’ll close our series with learning how to live in the face of persecution. Read all eight Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed Are The Merciful

February 9, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

We’re on the week 5 of our 8 week series on the Beatitudes, and this message is all about mercy. Jesus says, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” We have received such incredible mercy from God, and that should affect how we respond to others. Because of God’s mercy toward us, we can be people of mercy to those around us, pointing them back to our merciful God. Read Matthew 5:1-12 to read all eight Beatitudes.

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

February 2, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

For this sermon we are on the fourth beatitude, "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness." We'll learn about what it looks like to pursue a life of righteousness that pleases God. When we place our trust in Jesus, God credits us with Christ's righteousness. Because of Jesus, we stand fully righteous before God. God also put his righteousness in us. He gave us a new heart, fashioned after his own righteous heart. If that wasn't enough, we also have God's Holy Spirit in us to enlighten and empower us to become more righteous like Jesus. This message, we’ll explore what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness, not only personally, but publicly as well. Read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed Are the Meek

January 26, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

As we continue studying the Beatitudes, this sermon is on the statement, “Blessed are the meek.” Jesus said that the meek inherit the earth, which sounds great, but what exactly does that mean? And what does it look like to be meek? Meekness probably doesn’t rank very highly on the list of the top habits of highly successful people. It’s counter-intuitive like most of the beatitudes, but there’s something powerful we find in the way of meekness that Jesus lived and taught. Learn what it really means to be meek, according to the Bible, as we continue to grow in living like Jesus this year. If you want to read the Beatitudes for this sermon, you can find them in Matthew 5:1-12.

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

January 19, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

When we think church, we probably picture worship music, inspiring Bible teaching, and being with other Christians. For most of us, mourning wouldn't be on the top of our list. Aside from funerals, we don’t typically experience mourning in church. In fact, just the opposite. Celebration is at the core of our biggest days of the year. At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus’ birth, and at Easter, we celebrate his victory over death. So when Jesus says, “blessed are those who mourn,” we don’t always know how to take that. We experience all sorts of loss and grief in life, but what Jesus is talking about here goes beyond natural grief. Learning how to mourn and lament probably isn’t a topic that most of us would be excited to learn about, but Jesus includes it in his sermon about kingdom values for a reason. As we’ll explore in this message, there’s something about mourning that is unavoidable in a life that is honest and humble before God. You can read the Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12, and this message, we’ll focus on verse 4.

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

January 12, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

Last message, we started a new teaching series on the Beatitudes. Pastor Ben taught an overview of the Beatitudes, which from the introduction to one of Jesus’s most famous teachings, the Sermon on the Mount. In the Beatitudes, we find a series eight statements describing the values of living in God’s Kingdom. Over the next few weeks, we’ll unpack each statement, one week at a time. These eight statements from Jesus are surprisingly simple but often convicting as we pursue God’s values and allow them to impact our hearts in this study. The Beatitudes are found in Matthew 5:1-12, and this message we will study “Blessed are the poor in spirit...”

Kingdom Kindness Overview

January 5, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

We’re starting this new year with a 9 week series from Jesus’ teaching on the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes is a section from one of Jesus’ most famous sermons, where Jesus talks about the values of kingdom living. This message, we’ll do an overview, and then for the next few weeks, we’ll do a deep dive on each of the beatitudes. This series will be a great way to start the new year and center ourselves on living like Jesus. Take a look at Matthew 5:1-12 for this Sunday.