Mother’s Day is a day of celebration, honor and love for the women in our lives who have nurtured, supported and cared for us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Mother’s Day is also a day full of reminders of unfulfilled dreams, fractured or absent relationships and grief and loss. Jesus understands the heartache that comes with motherhood. In his final act of love and care for his own grieving mother as he hung on the cross, he looked at the disciple John and declared that he would now be her son and she would be his mother. John 19:27 says, “And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home.” 1 Peter 1:3-9 reminds us that though we may experience various trials, we can walk in his joy because of the blessed hope we have in our resurrected Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the one who comforts us in all of our troubles. Join us for a message of supernatural hope that springs eternal; the joy of our blessed hope!
The Joy of the Blessed Hope
Topical Sermons
May 8, 2022 • Pastor Sandy Park • 1 Peter 1:3–9, John 19:27