
Why Do You Ask Me About What Is Good?

July 26, 2020 • Pastor Matt Erdmann

Last sermon we had an awesome opportunity to be challenged by Pastor Danielle, from Matthew 26:6-13. Danielle talked about the value of "costly love" and asked a fantastic question... "Am I willing to love Jesus with what is most valuable to me?"

This sermon we get the chance to look at a question Jesus asked in response to a question that was asked of him. A young man asked... "What good deed must I do to have eternal life?" And Jesus responds with... "Why ask me about what is good?"

Jesus was seeking to define terms, create clarity, and help this guy realize what really matters most in the big scheme of life.

Check out Matthew 19:16-30 and let's discover together the answer to this man's question and find out what "good" is all about.