
Living A "Last Days" Life

Life In Exile

March 28, 2021 • Pastor Matt Erdmann

“The end of the world is coming soon.” Did that get your attention?

In light of the inevitable reality that the future of the world will end, our focus needs to be on how we are living today and on the needs of those around us and ultimately bringing praise, honor, and glory to God because of our relationship with Jesus. Peter, was fully aware that, at some point, the world would be no more, so he takes the opportunity to challenge his readers to continue living their lives with a “last days” perspective, and staying committed to the things that matter most and making the most difference in the midst of the “now”, with an eye and heart towards the “later.”

Read 1 Peter 4:7-11 as we examine this passage and learn how to live a “Last Days” life.

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