
Christmas: Our Hope of Glory

A Shared Glory

December 20, 2020 • Pastor Ben Cross

Thus far, in our Advent series, we have learned that, because of Christmas (God becoming one of us forever in Christ), we gain a shared identity with Jesus, which qualifies us to participate in a shared mission with Jesus. All of this, then, leads to a third shocking truth: We enjoy a shared glory with Jesus!

One of the ways God reveals his glory in this world and to the spirit realm is by giving his people glory so that we can glorify him. In this sermon, we will conclude our series by exploring how Christmas is our hope of glory, both now and forever.

Read Luke 2:1-20, Psalm 8, Hebrews 2:5-18, John 12:20-43, and John 17:18-24 to prepare. Yes, they all tie together!