
What shall a man give in return for his soul?

Matthew 16:26

July 21, 2019 • Pastor Paul Herriott

Last week in our Heart Check series, Pastor Sandy Park taught on the question, Who do you say that I am?

Just a few verses later, Jesus asked another revealing question: What good will it do to gain the whole world and lose your own soul?

It's a question that goes against the grain of all our instincts and natural reactions. It is so much easier to see the things we are chasing and forget about the condition of our soul.

In this message we'll take an honest look at the condition of our soul before God, and understand the incredible gain we can experience by choosing to give our life completely to following God.

Jesus v. Tradition

September 22, 2019 • Pastor Ben Cross

We’ve got one last sermon from our series on the heart-searching questions of Jesus. In this passage, Jesus confronts the religious leaders for honoring tradition above obedience to God. Throughout church history, there have been times and people who have called out the church when tradition usurps its proper role. Tradition can be wonderfully helpful and guiding, but it can also quickly turn to legalism. As a church, we have an incredible history and legacy, and we must be relentless that our message is absolutely unchanging, while methods and strategy must change and improve. Sometimes even the success of the past can become tradition that limits in the future. As we’ll see this Sunday, we must remain diligent to continually seek God to be the most effective for God’s mission here in this time and place. Read Matthew 15:1-20 for this sermon.

Do You Want To Be Healed?

September 8, 2019 • Pastor Ben Cross

This message, we’re looking at a question of Jesus which, at face value, makes no sense at all. Jesus approaches a sick man and asks him, “Do you want to be healed?" Why would Jesus ask this? This man was obviously struggling and in need of help. But Jesus asks him if he wants to be healed. As we unpack this question this message, we’ll see that there’s more to it than you might think. In a simple question, Jesus removes all barriers, motivations, and excuses, when he simply asks: "do you want to be made well?" We’ll see how this physical example demonstrates a spiritual truth that Jesus brings healing and wholeness. And the question for us is: do we really want Jesus to heal all of us and to go there? Read John 5:1-18 for this sermon.

Do You Really Love Your Neighbor

August 25, 2019 • Pastor Corey Rose

This message continues our series on the questions of Jesus. People were not afraid to ask Jesus a lot of different questions throughout the Gospels. And Jesus was not shy about asking questions right back. In this message we'll look at a familiar story in the Bible that is sparked when a lawyer asks Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus' surprising response to this expert in Old Testament law is nothing short of mind-stretching, heart-penetrating, life-changing truth. In fact, this seemingly simple, childlike story about a Good Samaritan changes the way we see, respond, and love the neighbors in everyday life.